
Simon Says Create and New Stamps!


It's time for my sporadic semi-occasional bi-annual blog entry!  :)  Poor little blog.  It needs some attention.

I hope you're enjoying some lovely spring weather.  It's hit and miss here where I am, but right now the sun is shining, and it feels like spring even though snow is in the forecast.  We will not be dissuaded, though; I've already busted out the short pants and sandals.  It's not that unusual to see people in parkas and shorts in Saskatchewan, pasty white legs and all.  You have to soak up the Vitamin D when you can!  

I'll have good use for the springtime attire, though, next week in Columbus, where I am fortunate enough to be attending the Simon Says Create event.  I am positively giddy with excitement!  Like many others, I have ogled over the photos posted on Instagram by participants of years past and longed to be there.  So, when the announcement was made this time, I set an alarm and was sitting at the computer (refresh...refresh...refresh...) and ready the second the tickets went on sale.  I had no idea they sold out that fast, and I  still can't believe I was able to get one.  

I'll be sure to take and post lots of photos, provided I'm not too star-struck by the likes of Jennifer McGuire and Kristina Werner.  (Squee!!)

In other news, at long last I've added three new stamp sets to the shop.  I've been testing and playing with these designs for a while now, and I'm excited to finally be able to share!  

Here they are:

The first one is "Loads of Love".  There are quite a few pieces to this one, some of which may require some explanation.  Like, what is the thing that looks like a "B" in the upper right hand corner?  That is a set of goggles that is meant to fit over the forklift lady's face.  The hard hat fits on her head, and two of the barrels fit side-by-side on the palette, which fits on the fork(?) of the forklift.  And the "goodies" fit either on the top of the barrel or the boxes.  

"Retail Therapy" also pairs well with "Loads of Love".  Those goodies fit in the top of the box in her cart as well.   

The "Wind in Your Fur" set is my favourite.  Those dogs are meant to look as if they've got their heads sticking out a car window.  Those weird shapes are car mirrors.  I polled a number of people in my life, and no one knew what those were; however, I suspect my cardmaking friends will know at a glance, because I think our brains work a bit different. :)  There are mirror images of the doggies, too, because some stampers drive on the other side of the road! 

Thank you so much for stopping by today! I'm hoping to post a few videos in the near future, so watch this space (and YouTube and Instagram).   And if you happen to find yourself in Columbus next week for the big event, I'm in Group B and would love to meet you!  

Have a wonderful day, friends!

-- Sandy